The Biblical Role of Elder / 1 Peter 5:1-7 Sermon 8 years ago Gospel Leadership The church was never meant to be a hierarchy. The beauty of the church is that it is led by Jesus Christ, driven by the Holy Spirit and shepherded by…
What Does the Lord Require? / Micah 6:1-8 Sermon 9 years ago Leadership Redemption In a time when life was rough, Micah had a message for the people of God. The enemy was at the gate. Assyria was knocking on the door of the…
The Well: A Paradigm Shift / Acts 11:19-30 Sermon 9 years ago Discipleship Leadership Missions We’ve learned a lot in this series, but if that knowledge never makes it from our heads to our hearts, we’ve missed it. So many of us have become spectators…
Love First Love: Be Subject / Ephesians 5:22-6:9 Sermon 10 years ago Fatherhood Kids Leadership Marriage Motherhood Parenting Relationships The key to understanding these verses is to recognize them within a broader context. We are called to be subject to one another in the fear of Christ. But what…
1, 2 Timothy / Titus Sermon 11 years ago Faith Leadership Have you ever sat with someone close to death and listened to their last words? If you have, you know the tremendous weight someone’s final thoughts carry with them. Those…
Acts 3-12 Sermon 11 years ago Leadership In the early chapters of Acts we see the birth of the New Testament church. However, the chapters that follow provide insight into the purging and maturation of this fledging…
Acts 1-2 Sermon 11 years ago Faith Gospel Leadership This week we dive into the origins, intent and movement of the church. We trace the steps of the two key leaders in the early church (Peter and Paul) and…
I Am the Door / John 10:1-10 Sermon 11 years ago Leadership Purpose Claiming to be a door may not seem significant in our day and age. It might even get you labeled insane. But this was not the case for first century…
Ezra / Esther / Nehemiah / Haggai / Zechariah / Malachi Sermon 11 years ago Leadership These six books walk through the repopulation of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the temple and the wall of the city, but the journey of rebuilding a city fades in…
1 Samuel Sermon 12 years ago Leadership Prayer Be careful what you ask for. The people of God had grown weary and were seeking a king, "like the other nations." Although God had been with them, they wanted…
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 / The Controversy of Head Coverings Sermon 12 years ago Leadership Marriage Men Prayer Relationships Women Worship God established roles for men and women in the church and in marriage to provide order and structure for the outworking of His glory among us. These God-ordained roles of…
Thoughts from the Study - 1 Cor 11: 2-16 - The Controversy of Head Coverings Article 12 years ago Leadership Men Prayer Relationships Women Worship God established roles for men and women in the church and in marriage to provide order and structure for the outworking of His glory among us. These God-ordained roles of…