The Pastor's Closing Prayer Article 6 years ago Fun Prayer Why do pastors hope you close your eyes during prayer? This is what they never wanted you to see.
Our Good Father / Matthew 7:7-11 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Kids Parenting Prayer Purpose Relationships During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has continually admonished us to examine our hearts. In this passage, He shows us the heart of our heavenly Father and how much…
The Motives of the Heart / Matthew 6:1-18 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Money Prayer Purpose In this passage, Jesus is admonishing His followers to live differently than the religious hypocrites. He teaches about prayer, fasting and giving, and the importance of our hearts being congruent…
Sometimes We Ask for Stones / Matthew 7:7-11 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Money Prayer Jesus makes some bold promises in the Sermon on the Mount. He tells us every child of God who asks will receive, so what do we do when we don’t…
Still Small Voice Article 6 years ago Prayer As a new believer I remember being told to listen for “the still small voice” of God (1 Kings 19:11-12, NKJV). Looking back over the past six years since coming…
Relationships / 1 Samuel 18:1-5 / 1 Kings 12:1-15 / Romans 8:1-14 Sermon 6 years ago Discipleship Gospel Prayer Relationships Another pattern we recognize in the lives of the kings is the lack of accountable relationships. Overall, they tended to reign in isolation or not to listen to the sound…
Foundations / 1 Corinthians 3:12–13 Sermon 6 years ago Bible Gospel Prayer Relationships Worship This week we will look at the general failure of the kings to worship, pray or enjoy God’s Word. The vast majority of these kings do not worship God or…
Affections / 1 Samuel 8:4-9 / Deuteronomy 17:14-20 Sermon 6 years ago Prayer Relationships Now that we’ve studied some of the Kings of Israel and Judah, we are going to look into some of the patterns we see with both the good and the…
The City of God Among the City of Man / Jeremiah 29:1-7 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Peace Prayer Serving The ancient church father, Augustine, once asked, "What does it mean for the city of God to dwell amidst the city of man?" For much of church history, we've been…
The Heart of a Shepherd / 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13 Sermon 7 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Missions Prayer For a very young church that was experiencing tremendous hardship and suffering, the Apostle Paul takes on the heart of a spiritual father, and uses this portion of his letter…
Members of the Body of Christ / 1 Corinthians 12:7-12 Sermon 7 years ago Bible Community Faith Gospel Grace Money Prayer Purpose Serving As followers of Christ, we each have a role to play and are called together into the body of Christ, the church. We have a responsibility, a shared commitment and…
Fully Man / John 17 Sermon 7 years ago Prayer During The High Priestly Prayer, Jesus expresses the desire for all of those who come after Him to enjoy the same kind of unity with the Father that He enjoyed.…