Team Ukraine becomes Team Guatemala! Article 10 years ago Missions Prayer These past few months have been interesting as we prepared mentally and spiritually for our trip to Ukraine to work with Hope For Orphans. Many of us felt called to…
Love First Love: That We Would Know the Fullness of Christ / Ephesians 1:15-23 Sermon 11 years ago Prayer After spending some time praising God for who He is and what He has provided for His church in Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul switches gears and begins praying for…
Philippians / Philemon Sermon 11 years ago Prayer Oh to have "joy in all things." For many of us, our joy is dependent upon circumstances. When life is good, we have joy, but when life goes south, our…
1 Samuel Sermon 12 years ago Leadership Prayer Be careful what you ask for. The people of God had grown weary and were seeking a king, "like the other nations." Although God had been with them, they wanted…
1 Corinthians 14 1-5 / Tongues Part 1 Sermon 12 years ago Prayer Worship Paul takes much time to correct the thinking of the Corinthian church, where their desire was an individual abuse of a manifestation of the Spirit. He explains that it should…
Prayer as a Discipline Article 12 years ago Prayer I recently came across a blog post about prayer written by Tim Keller. I found it to be very helpful; in it, he describes the discipline of prayer and the…
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 / The Controversy of Head Coverings Sermon 12 years ago Leadership Marriage Men Prayer Relationships Women Worship God established roles for men and women in the church and in marriage to provide order and structure for the outworking of His glory among us. These God-ordained roles of…
Thoughts from the Study - 1 Cor 11: 2-16 - The Controversy of Head Coverings Article 12 years ago Leadership Men Prayer Relationships Women Worship God established roles for men and women in the church and in marriage to provide order and structure for the outworking of His glory among us. These God-ordained roles of…
1 Corinthians 7:1-5 / Your Marital Duty Sermon 13 years ago Marriage Prayer Relationships Serving Sexuality God’s design was one man with one woman for life as the ideal expression of both the image of God, as well as sexual fulfillment for a man and a…
Luke 18:1-8 / Persistent Widow Sermon 13 years ago Faith Fear/Anxiety Prayer Jesus used the Parable of the Widow and the Judge to show his disciples the importance of being persistent in their prayers. The unjust judge is compared to the just…
Jonah 2:1-3:3 / I am Jonah - Repentance Sermon 14 years ago Depression Grace Idolatry Prayer Purpose Serving Suffering Our disobedience always hurts other people and always comes at great personal cost. Yet even in our disobedience, God will accomplish his will. God’s calling transcends our personal preference. You…
John 17:1-26 / Prayer Sermon 16 years ago Prayer Sermon on John 17:1-26 / Prayer by Brad Bell, recorded on January 11, 2009.