Water to Wine / John 2:1-11 Jun 18, 2017 Brad Bell The first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding in Cana. John recorded this event where Jesus turned water into wine as a sign of who He was: someone who… Sermon Series
The Next Generation / 2 Kings 18:3-20:19 Jun 11, 2017 Brad Bell Hezekiah failed to pass the baton from generation to generation of Israelites, and we learn the importance of not dropping the same baton in our context. Join us as Brad… College Gospel Kids Peace Students
Kingdom Generosity / Luke 12:13-34 Jun 4, 2017 Brad Bell God is a generous God and we are made in His image. Nothing we have belongs to us. He owns everything and entrusts us with good things so we may… Discipleship Generosity Gospel Grace Money
Kingdom Promise / Haggai 2:20-23 May 28, 2017 Shea Sumlin In this fourth and final message from Haggai, Zerubbabel receives a very personal word from the Lord, encouraging him with the news that a day is coming when God's Messianic… Sermon Series Gospel
Kingdom Purity / Haggai 2:10-19 May 21, 2017 Shea Sumlin As the people of God once again got back to work on rebuilding the temple, a critical error had crept in unnoticed: the people slowly began to feel that because… Sermon Series Gospel
Kingdom Perspective / Haggai 2:1-9 May 14, 2017 Shea Sumlin Only three weeks after God's people had returned to work on the temple, another enemy attacked them and halted their progress of rebuilding, only this time the enemy wasn't an… Sermon Series
Kingdom Priority / Haggai 1:1-15 May 7, 2017 Shea Sumlin After 50 years of captivity under Babylonian control, the Israelites were rescued and released by God to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple of God so His glory… Sermon Series
A Song of Praise / Exodus 15:1-21 Apr 30, 2017 Brad Bell Chapter 15 of Exodus is a song of praise and celebration. God has shown the Israelites His incredible power and who He is. He is their Lord, their redeemer and… Sermon Series Faith Redemption
He Sets Us Free / Exodus 12:33-14:31 Apr 23, 2017 Shea Sumlin Through a substituted sacrifice (the shed blood of the lamb), God saved and redeemed His people. But as we approach what is arguably the most climactic event of the entire… Sermon Series Addiction Gospel Grace Redemption Worship
By the Blood of the Lamb / Exodus 11:1-12:32 Apr 16, 2017 Brad Bell God could have chosen to redeem the Israelites any way He wanted, but he used 10 plagues, each specifically geared to confront and essentially dethrone an Egyptian deity. The final… Sermon Series Gospel Redemption