Foundations / 1 Corinthians 3:12–13 Sermon 6 years ago Bible Gospel Prayer Relationships Worship This week we will look at the general failure of the kings to worship, pray or enjoy God’s Word. The vast majority of these kings do not worship God or…
Jehu / 2 Chronicles 25 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Idolatry As we look at the life of King Jehu, we are going to see a story of a hardened soldier of fortune who obeyed God with his hands but never…
Laboring Well / 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Grace Hope Missions Paul’s number one priority was the spread of the gospel, and he asks for prayer that nothing would hinder it. He also speaks to the issue of some of the…
Living From the Inside Out / 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Missions In the midst of relentless temptation, intense persecution and false teaching that even led some Thessalonian believers to think God had abandoned them, the Apostle Paul speaks truth about the…
Tethered to the Truth / 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Men Missions Motherhood The Thessalonians were starting to believe lies about the return of Christ, thinking maybe He had already come and they had missed it, or their suffering was the wrath that…
Encouraged to Endure / 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Missions Paul’s heart comes through in this letter as he cares for the church at Thessalonica and encourages the people in the midst of their suffering. He speaks to their faith…
The City of God Among the City of Man / Jeremiah 29:1-7 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Peace Prayer Serving The ancient church father, Augustine, once asked, "What does it mean for the city of God to dwell amidst the city of man?" For much of church history, we've been…
Eternity in Our Hearts / John 3:16-17 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel We all have a void inside us, and we all look for a way to fill it. Some try to fill it with relationships, pornography, drugs or something else, but…
Live in Light of Who You Are / 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Kids Missions Parenting In this text, the parenting side of Paul comes out as he calls the Thessalonians to live in light of who they are. He gives 17 imperative commands, and while…
Hope in Death, Sobriety in Life / 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Grief/Loss Hope Mental Health Missions Suffering Due to a lack of understanding in their eschatology, the Thessalonians were discouraged and possibly even immobilized in their faith as additional grief set in after the death of one…
God’s Will for Your Life / 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Missions Purpose Sexuality Many of us often ask, "What is God's will for my life?" This passage lays out God's will for us very clearly: that we become more like Christ in our…
The Heart of a Shepherd / 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13 Sermon 7 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Missions Prayer For a very young church that was experiencing tremendous hardship and suffering, the Apostle Paul takes on the heart of a spiritual father, and uses this portion of his letter…